
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Baking with kids

Is not for those who are remotely type A.

Stuck inside with the kids due to the foot or so of snow we had dumped on us today, I decided to try and do something crafty with the kids.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love crafting. Crafting with kids however, tests my patience and has proven to only been done when you can let go of all urges to just do it for them.

And of course I wanted to get photos of the process which just added to the chaos. You can imagine that putting cookie dough or iced cookies in front of them and telling then to wait, don’t touch it, would go really well with three kids under four. So I mainly just went with iPhone pics just to make sure I documented some of the “fun.”

Despite my minor freak outs and stressing over someone eating raw cookie dough, they had a great time and enjoyed their finished products, as you can see.





And I hear we’re getting more snow…does Michael’s deliver??

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Roman, declaring that he is finished with lunch.
“I’m full. I want a chocolate kiss.”

Me: “Roman, if you are full how do you have room for a chocolate kiss?”

::lifts up his shirt and points to the upper left quadrant of his belly::
“I have room right here.”

There’s always room for chocolate. Silly mommy.

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Snow Day

Poking my head in to catch a breath from the craziness happening here lately.  I know I promised a big update, but I’m not quite ready yet, so instead, here’s a story about our day today.

A little background, two or so months ago something I ordered was shipped to one of our previous addresses.  Well today, the current resident calls me and let’s me know that he has my package and I can pick it up.  Ok, great.  Went out in the morning for a doctor’s appointment for Aiden.  He has croup and Lucas has had a fever for two days so I was working on 2 hours of sleep. Yay winter.

Now that you can imagine my mental state at this point…

I reach the house and there is a long, steep driveway; and it’s been snowing here the past two days.  I’m sure you can see where this is going.  I go down the driveway, no problem, pick up the package and try to leave.  Well, the family that lived there just got back from a trip, so they haven’t plowed, put down salt, sand, nada.  So under the fresh fluffy white snow, was a layer of ice.  Needless to say, the mighty minivan would creep up 1/4 of a way up the driveway and then tires would spin.  I back down, try again…and again. I finally get out to ask the current residents if they could help; oh and while I was out, Roman decides to wake Lucas up from his nap.  So my sick littlest man only had a 20min nap today.

After multiple tries on their part, they suggested that I just have someone pick me up and leave the car there until the snow goes away…hmmm, ok, b/c I also have my three kids with me and kind of need my car before the spring; because at this rate, I feel like there will be much more snow to come this winter.

Then Bob the Mailman came down from his house to see if he could help.  He used to be the mailman for our neighborhood when we lived there and was always the nicest guy. He tried to use his snow blower and clear a path, tried driving my car up the driveway a few more times; but alas, we were back where we started.

Right here:

ah shit.

ah shit.

I finally called a friend of a friend with a tow truck to see if he could help.  Awesome, home free right? Well, he could stop by on his way back, in an hour-hour and a half.  

So the family go back in their house, and Bob the mailman invites me and my crew up to his house to see his little dog.  Thank goodness for this sweet man.  He called his wife and they welcomed all four of us in; playing, talking, and answering the million and one questions Roman was throwing out at them.  The boys quickly made themselves at home, as you can see here:

photo 2


The tow truck did get there and wouldn’t you know, he tried one last time to drive my car up the driveway and got the van up to the top as if there was no snow on the road.  Elated, dumbfounded, relieved and grateful, we were on our way.

Such a crazy day, but I am so thankful to know and come across some of the kindest people today.  Between the friends who offered to come by and try to pull us out, pick us up, give me numbers to call to the friendly strangers who kept us warm and sane to the skilled tow truck driver rescuing us…we were very blessed today and I thank everyone involved for taking care of me and my boys.


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Nap time?

I have a few posts I need to finish writing but here are some photos of the twins trying to help put Lucas down for a nap.

Super helpful, right?


Not so impressed with their serenade



And of course these guys are still awake:


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It’s hard to believe that Lucas is 18, well, almost 19 months old now.  I think he thinks that he is a three year old like his brothers, and is almost just as big as them!

As for stats:

Weight: 26lbs 14oz – 80th %ile

Height: 34.5in – 96th %ile

Head Circumference: 48cm – 65th %ile


  • Mama
  • Dada
  • Dog
  • Ball
  • Bay (baby)
  • Hi
  • Uh oh
  • Haaa (hot)
  • Poop
  • Pool
  • Truck
  • Bird
  • Moo
  • Raaaa (like roar)
  • Miiii (milk)
  • Mo (more)
  • Cheese
  • Dir (dirty)
  • Boo (boo boo)
  • Shhh while holding his finger to his mouth
  • signs “please” and “more”
  • nana (banana)
  • tries to sing “Happy Birthday”

I feel like he has moved out of babyhood in warp speed, he can crawl down the stairs, so there are no more gates in the house, he will throw things in the trash if you ask him and generally follows most instructions. He will try and mimic just about anything his big brothers are doing – jumping, running, pretending to pee on the potty.  In fact, this kid will probably be potty trained before Aiden and Roman are night trained.  He pats his diaper and says, “poop” and when I ask if he wants to go potty, he signs “please.” Perhaps I will luck out and he will just start going by himself one day 😉

At the same time, I need him to slow down with this growing up thing, where did Baby Lucas go??

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This kid kills me, he kept these sunglasses on all morning ❤

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